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Hi there and welcome!  If you just stumbled here, I would recommend you read this description first, and then work your way through the how to donate posts.  Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!

(and, as an update to this information, yes, the "official 30 days" ended on 3-19-2012, but the fundraising has not ended, so, please read on for the initial motivation, and please consider helping!)

Most of us are familiar with the "30 before 30 list".  For those that are not, it is usually a list of 30 things an individual wishes to do before they turn 30.  In the last couple of years, a number of my friends have already surpassed this landmark, which had me thinking about things I might include on my list.  While I originally had a few minor things like "be able to do at least one pull-up unassisted" (yes, even though I can do 50+ full pushups, I still had not been able to do a full pull-up, but I was getting close...), they never really felt right, but, with my birthday getting closer, I revisited this list idea.

After volunteering for 3 months during the summer of 2011 in a rural community in Ecuador, my friend and I co-founded a non-profit organization, the Camarones Community Coalition, along with the president of the rural community, in an attempt to assist in raising money and providing assistance in building a community center that has the potential to generate income into this rural community, provide jobs for the local people, house much needed health services, and serve as a meeting place and location for various programming for adults and children in the community.  While our NGO is very young (formed in September 2011), we already have partnerships with the Meadowood Neighborhood CenterWilbooks, and the Wisconsin Water for the World.  We have also been working on forming alliances with other NGOs in the area, as well as service learning coordinator faculty at several universities, in order to continue brainstorming future activities in the community.

Additionally, I have been working on writing grants for sustainable development projects and educational programming in this community in Ecuador, as well as the potential to expand to other communities.  We have also been working with the Meadowood Neighborhood Center as a "sister neighborhood center" where we are working on ways to provide for cultural exchanges and unique educational programming for participants.

However, while I have limitless ideas for collaborations to be made, projects to be done, and programs to be developed, one thing is missing:  the actual community center!  For this, I am asking for help.  While we have already received some very generous donations for our efforts, we have a long way to go to reach the $30,000.00 needed to build the community center.  So, this got me thinking.  Would it be possible for me to try and raise the $30,000.00 in the 30 days left before I turn 30 (i.e. March 19, 2012)?

And here's where I need your help!  Over the next month, I am aiming to raise roughly $1,000.00 a day. Seem impossible, or even crazy, when everyone is penny pinching and when there are so many worthy organizations to donate to?  Quite possibly, but then all of my friends and family already knew I was crazy!

So, over the next month, I am asking you to try and help me raise money- ask your friends, church members, family, neighbors, or offer to help me with various fundraising events I will post on this page (from zumbathons, to dining to donate programs at various restaurants, to bowling events).  Follow the progress on here daily, and help me raise 30K in the 30 days I have left before I turn 30!  I will post updates on the total amount raised so you can keep track of progress.