Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 34: Invitation to Ecuador and message from the President of Camarones

Today I received an email from Jorge Luis Vaca, President of Camarones, Ecuador (goes by Paco as his nickname), that was intended as a thank you and invitation for all of you that have taken an interest in this fundraising effort, and the larger movement of construction of the community center and sustainable development in his town (see how you can help too!).

Here is the message he sent:

Una vez mas gracias a todos los donates y por esa gran generosidad, ahora esto ya es una realidad por fin vamos tener nuestro centro comunitario y estan invitados a que vengan a mi comunidad a que conoscan y tambien seran muy bien recibidos.

And here is my English translation:

One more time, thanks to all of the donors and for the great generosity, now this is a reality, that finally we are going to have our community center, and you are all invited to come to my community and to know the community, and you will be well received.

It has been wonderful to update him and the rest of the community on the progress of the fundraising (especially the description of the Zumbathon), and to hear the excitement on their end, and I think it is wonderful that he sent this message to share with all of you.  Thanks again for your continued support!!

As always, feel free to email me or post below for questions, comments, or to help host a future fundraising event.  

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